CNC turning department

Contract turning services with CNC automatic lathe

We have CNC lathes
We perform toll CNC turning machining

With our different types of numerical control CNC lathes and automated tooling, we can contract manufacture mechanical components with complex geometries and tight tolerances, providing maximum manufacturing versatility.
A CNC lathe requires minimal supervision and provides very high repeatability, features that, combined with the high skills of our CNC turners, can offer a wide range of size capabilities for various applications.

Our turning machinery:
Biglia 565 YS Motorized Lathe with bar passage Ø70, maximum Ø 150 and maximum length 200mm
Angelini Motorized Lathe with bar passage Ø50, maximum Ø 150 and maximum length 150mm

Why choose Tecsal

01Optimize workpiece feasibility

02Improve its aesthetic appearance

03Optimize the overall manufacturing time

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